Ciutats ecofeministes

Ecofeminist proposals for reimagining the city

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We publish a new report with nine ecofeminist proposals for the cities.

The context of COVID-19 has been a turning point in our ways of inhabit-living-working in cities, underpinning a questioning of a biocidal capitalist system that does not allow us to develop dignified lives -in many cases, lives in the literal sense- of people and ecosystems.

Thus, learning other ways of living is not only a desire, is an urgency and a necessity: moving towards new models, which speak of social and planetary well-being, are possible and viable.

The report “Ecofeminist proposals for rethinking cities” is a diverse, plural and collective view that brings together ideas from feminist economies and ecofeminisms to move in this direction and think about cities and lives that are habitable in times of crisis and emergencies.

Why are we focusing on cities?

Currently, cities are bodies of concrete and asphalt that have become paradigmatic places of our social, economic and climatic reality. Places where basic human rights are violated and the extractivist violence of the capitalist and cis-hetero patriarchal model is reproduced. These are spaces of daily dispute, which allow us to put forward proposals that speak of the recovery of socio-reproductive sovereignty.

Proposals about energy, water, food, housing, transport, urban planning, health, education and care, that could guarantee quality and universal public services, as well as the resilience of the commons, driven by community spaces and social and neighbourhood organisations. Each of them outlines horizons for the provision of well-being, goods and services, through different routes: from (re)municipalisation and direct public management, to public-community partnerships.

Many questions are being ask around us: what these proposals are? What principles and values they integrate? What are their axes of action? What is their relationship with each other, and what balance do we new between urban and rural spaces? In short, how we could move towards the urban models for the ecofeminist transitions we want and need. In the report, we outline some answers to keep the conversation open and, collectively, think about ecofeminist cities from public and public-community paths.


With the support of:

aj. bcn

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