We are a network of people who, since 2000, do critical analysis of the context and produce knowledge to make it available for citizens and social movements. Our areas of work are financial justice, climate justice, the commons and ecofeminisms.
Contrasted, rigorous and critical information to understand the world.
Our theory of change
Where do we come from?
The ODG is a project that was born in the year 2000 with the initiative of “Red Ciudadana por la Abolición de la Deuda Externa (RCADE)” (Citizens’ Network for the Abolition of External Debt) after the social Consultation for the Abolition of External Debt. The ODG arises due to the need for proven, rigorous, critical and immediate information to nurture the process of training, awareness and political pressure.
Since the beginning it has been supported by the “Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya” (UNESCO Chair of Sustainability of the Catalan Polytechnic University). In 2004 the Network Association of the Debt Observatory in Globalization (XODG) is created to facilitate the tasks of training, denouncing and creating political pressure.
Currently, ODG’s team consists of an heterogeneous group of people who work and collaborate in the areas (research, training, communications and political advocacy).
This network is an open space to anyone who can and want to contribute to achieve our goals. Currenly, the team has 10 members and a network of members, activists and volunteers who participate periodically to the different activities and projects.
All working documents and activities can be found in the transparency portal.
Our team
An ecofeminist approach
In recent years, the ODG has started several internal processes in order to work from an ecofeminist perspective, putting emphasis on work dynamics, decision-taking processes, governance, care and health mechanisms, inter alia.
This willingness and commitment also includes antiracist and decolonial perspectives, and the work of the upcoming years will continue along these lines.
The documents and ecofeminist transition plan can be found here.