
At ODG, we are committed to transparency and democratic participation, which is why we make available internal and operating documents, activity reports, financial results and work plans. If you want more information about any of the areas, you can contact us at

The ODG economic figures

Income 2023

Outcome 2023

Annual reports

The annual reports contain all projects, reports, campaigns and activities taking place during a year:

Annual report 2021 | Annual report 2020Annual report 2019

The ODG workers’ team have a labour agreement horizontally created and which takes into account all their employment rights (available in Catalan):

Labour agreement

To see the financial audits (available in Catalan):

Financial audit 2022 | Financial audit 2021 
Financial audit 2020 | Financial audit 2029
Financial audit 2018

Strategic and political documents


The ODG has a theory of change and strategic goals which are periodically updated in order to adapt to a constantly changing reality.

The documents are available here:

Strategic plan 2022-2024 (in Catalan)
ODG’s theory of change


An ecofeminist transition


In recent years, the ODG has started several internal processes in order to work from an ecofeminist perspective, putting emphasis on work dynamics, decision-taking processes, governance, care and health mechanisms, inter alia. This willingness and commitment also includes antiracist and decolonial perspectives, and the work of the upcoming years will continue along these lines.


Ecofeminist Transition Plan
Protocol for the prevention and handling of gender violence from a interseccional perspective