
We rise against sexist violence

From ODG, we support the mobilizations of towns and neighbourhoods against sexist violence and continue in our comprimse to make our entity a safe space for everyone

November 25th arrives again among accelerated rythms, collapsed lives and uncertain futures. This day of international fight against sexist violence is a key event for the feminist movement: around the globe, women and dissident identities go out to the streets to rebel against the capitalist, cisheteropatriarchal, capacitist, extractivist and colonial system that rules our lives.

We rise to collectivelly denounce all the systemic violences that pierce our bodies and territories. We rise to unveil the collaboration between State, capital and corporations that turn our lives into a battlefield, a territory to dominate and control. We rise out to shake the structures that sustain violences and inequalities, and that destroy territories: from the abolition of the Immigration Law and the securitizing model of our borders to the financialization and mercantilization of all the spheres of our lives. We continue to for the right to a worthy life: the right to health, to education and care, to energy, water and housing.

We rise because the rights that seemed inalienable continue to be questioned day after day, and we shall not remain silent. We rise because our life is at stake.

The Catalan and international feminist movement has supported mobilizations, assemblies and actions on the streets, squares, parks, working and academic centres. Organized, we go through fear and rage, we build care communities, resistance, sovereignties, we celebrate our alliances and walk towards the feminist, eco-social, anti-racist, solidary and internationalist futures that we aim for.

We, the workers of ODG, will take part of the mobilizations in our neighbourhoods, towns and cities, fighting for lives free of patriarchal violence. We reassert our compromise and practice to make our entity a safe space for everyone, taking awareness of the invisible violences that may loom in our working place, and moving forward from sorority, listening and care in our ecofeminist transition.

On this november 25th, 2021, Observatori del Deute en la Globalització occupies the streets with a diverse, inclusive, combative and solidary feminist movement.

cartell 25N violències masclistes

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