Archives : Blog

Somnambulism: Debt Zombies

Somnambulism is the sensation of the moment, a movie based on a true story. It tells of a strange epidemic that is sweeping the world.

The Shock Doctrine

Award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author, Naomi Klein, talks about her latest book, “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”.

The Trail of the Troika

What is happening in Europe in the name of the troika? A must-see for anyone who wants to understand the situation in Greece. The European

Inside Job

The award winning documentary ‘Inside Job’ [2011 | US] by the veteran crusader, Charles Ferguson is the most insightful and illuminating amongst a number of


Editor/Script Katerina Kitidi Aris Chatzistefanou Scientific Research Leonidas Vatikiotis Animation Magda Plevraki Sokratis Galiatsakos Music Giannis Agelakas Ermis Georgiadis Aris RSN Edit Aris Triantafillou Camera

Alternatives Map expansion!

Second round: The Map of Popular Alternatives keeps searching for new cases. At ODG, as part of Ecawatch we are pleased to inform you that

Debt Common Project for Europe

Following the spirit of the Conferences of the Plan B for Europe, the Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG)  and the Plataforma por la Auditoría Ciudadana