Archives : Blog

Energy grabbing

This paper defines energy grabbing as a powerful concept that visualizes the impacts of high dependent energy consumers. The Spanish case is analysed showing that

The UE will fume with this publication

New ODG’s report by Pablo Cotarelo and Alfons Perez. The publication goes into detail about EU’s metabolic profile, focusing on energy.  Free download:  Català:

ODG at the World Social Forum in Tunis

At this link you can find the complete programme of the activities  organized by the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power, in wich  ODG is

Sign against TTIP & CETA: Now!

We call on the institutions of the European Union and its member states to stop the negotiations with the USA on the Transatlantic Trade and

Against de Debt Economy: George Caffentzis

George Caffentzis philosopher on debt and money and member of Strike Debt USA, explains the relationship between micro and macro – debts. Both micro and macro – debt

Podemos and debt repayment

Debt has been a colonial mechanism in many parts of the world. As such, it is a problem that affects sovereignty and should be faced