
International meeting #TensemlesXarxes

On Saturday June 3rd, the Xarxa per la Sobirania Energètica (The Energy Sovereignty Network, Xse) is organising an international meeting about reclaiming control of energy through the remunicipalisation of electricity distribution.

Xse, in addition to many other issues, has been working on electricity distribution. Last a first working meeting was organised around reclaiming distribution networks. Since then, work has continued on this issue. Now the aim is to broaden the vision and discover what is being done at the international level, to strengthen relations with others, both internationally and at the state-level, and exchange with those who are working along these lines.

With the aim of collectively exploring possibilities for reclaiming control of electricity – specifically distribution networks – and of defining the strategy to achieve this, we invite you to participate in this meeting. 

We will be sharing contributions from:

  • David Hall, Professor of the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) at the University of Greenwich, UK, who will give a general overview of the energy sectors in different EU countries.
  • Stefan Taschner, a member of the Berliner Energietisch platform for the remunicipalisation of energy in Berlin, who will explain the experiences of this city in trying to remunicipalise distribution networks.
  • Alba del Campo, coordinator of the Energy Transition Bureau of Cadiz, will talk about the management of the municipal electricity distribution company here, and the experience of the Energy Transition table.
  • Maria Eugenia Palop, legal philosopher, will help us to move beyond the existing legal framework, reflecting on how this can contribute to the management of commons and remunicipalisation. 
  • Cecília Sánchez, lawyer, developer of Som Energia Canarias, and spokesperson for the Platform for a New Energy Model.
  • Alfons Pérez, member of Xse, will speak about his study entitled: “Reclaiming Control of Energy: Actions to (Re)Municipalise Electricity Distribution”. 

You can check the programe here.

The meeting will take place in the Aula Magna, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona (UB).


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