A conversation between the mine and the factory | Alternatives to extractivism

We organize an event on December 12 with Aimée Martínez, frontline defender in Colombia and Argentina, and workers of Collectivo Di Fabrica, from Florence


The problem is well-known: the rising demand for technology for the “green transition” and decarbonisation policies leads to a deepening of extractivism and a competition to win the industry at a global level.

On the one hand, Global South countries that have critical minerals suffer greater pressure to extract them and feed international markets, causing the recurring social, environmental and gender impacts of mining. On the other hand, the most relevant actors on the international scene – China, the USA, the EU – are investing huge amounts of public money to recover, maintain or increase their capacity to manufacture these technologies; without any approach that can answer the question: energy for what and for whom?

In this context, which alternatives can we promote? Is extraction without extractivism possible? Is production without accumulation possible? Can we create socially and environmentally just supplu chains?

In “the conversation between the mine and the factory”, we propose a dialogue between an activist who lives at the lithium extraction frontier and a worker of a green re-industrialisation project of an Italian factory under workers control. We would like to invite to bring you in the conversation.

A conversation between the Mine and the Factory
Alternatives al model extractiu de la “transició verda”

A conversation with:

Aimée Martinez, frontline defender against megamining and corporate power at Ecología Política del Sur
Collettivo Di Fabrica, renewables factory project under the control of the workers in Florence, Italy.

Tuesday December 12
6.30pm in La Fede.
Carrer Tàpies 1-2. Barcelona

PLEASE NOTE: This event is part of the project Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing, funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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