Archives : Publicacions

Gas PCI’s Map

This map displays the gas-related Projects of Common Interest. It is a reproduction of the European Commision’s map, based on the official PCI cartography. 110

Defining energy sovereignty

Article elaborated by various members of the Xarxa per la sobirania energètica (Network for Energy Sovereignty).

Map | Controversial projects

This map shows projects funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) that are causing visible or

Why we shouldn’t pay the Debt?

To the anonymous pyrate: Greed upon greed upon greed upon the World Bank of the open sea, heart closed to justice, blind eye resisting all

Capital Controls: A practical guide

This report, written by members of the ODG, the CADTM and RMF, explains the great importance of capital controls policies (restriction of the free movement

Who owns all the pipelines?

A look at Europe’s 4 biggest gas transport companies: Fluxys, Enagás, GRTgaz and Snam Why is the EU still building new and unnecessary gas pipelines