ODG joins the EU Raw Materials Coalition

The ODG joins the EU Raw Materials coalition

The ODG has joined 47 other civil society organizations, including Ecologistas en Acción and SETEM Catalunya, in the EU Raw Materials Coalition. Within the coalition, we are part of the Coalition Response and Advocacy to the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) working group.

About the EU Raw Materials Coalition

The EU Raw Materials Coalition, launched in September 2023, facilitates knowledge dissemination across its members. It coordinates advocacy for scaling down the European demand for raw materials, as well as the prevention of human rights violations through improvements in environmental and social regulations on the mining sector in the EU and beyond. The Raw Materials Coalition’s position paper on the Critical Raw Material Act (CRMA) pleads for the EU to actively reduce its dependence on primary raw materials, for the CRMA to employ a diverse set of tools to assess human rights and environmental performance, and to ensure public participation and environmental protection throughout project permitting. It also demands the explicit incorporation of a global justice approach into strategic partnerships, the prioritization of a circular economy approach within the CRMA, and the inclusion of a set of concrete regulations for calculating the environmental footprint of critical raw materials.

The full position paper is available here.

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