Webinar 1: The digital and green transition’s impacts on the Global South and alternatives to extractivism
The increasing demand of critical minerals for the transition and impacts of green extractivism
Monday, May 15, 5.30-7 pm (CEST)
Full video available here.
- Zo Randriamaro, ecofeminist activist and human rights defender with a broad and recognised expertise in gender issues and sociology of development. Sociologist by training and founder and coordinator of the Centre de Recherches et d’Appui pour les Alternatives de Développement – Océan Indien (CRAAD-OI), a pan-Africanist organisation based in Madagascar that supports communities affected by large-scale extractivist projects in the mining and agricultural sectors.
- Pablo Solón, Bolivian researcher and activist at the Solon Foundation. Expert on Amazonia, climate change, water, rights of nature and systemic alternatives. He was part of the government led by Evo Morales with different responsibilities from 2006 to 2011. From 2009 to 2011 he was ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to the United Nations.
- Maurice Carney, executive director at Friends of Congo. He has worked with Congolese society for 25 years in its strategy for peace, justice and human dignity. For decades, Maurice Carneu has made the case for dignity and the inclusion of Congolese society in civil society in its efforts to achieve peace, democracy, food sovereignty and climate justice. He is a consultant for political leaders in the US, Canada, Latin America, Africa and the UN, as well as for other NGOs and foundations.
- Mariana Walter: Political Ecologist and Ecological Economist, member of the direction and coordination group of the Environmental Justice Atlas. Visiting postdoctoral researcher at Pompeu Fabra University. Her research addresses resource extraction conflicts in Latin America and the Americas.
Moderation by Alfons pérez from ODG.
Webinar 2: Hydrogen: the major player in the energy transition
Corporate strategy and impacts behind the promotion of hydrogen
Monday, May 22, 5.30-7 pm (CEST)
Full video available here.
- Marina Gros Breto. Graduate in biotechnology, she has been monitoring public policy and climate governance since 2018. She is currently the coordinador of the gas campaign at Ecologistas en Acción, activist and member of its energy and climate area.
- Natalia Lueje Seeger. Bachelor of Arts at the University of Chile and Master in Sustainable Development of Environments and Territories by the UAHC. She has more than 12 years of experience in various areas of social and environmental sustainability, with a focus on working with communities, political ecology and more recently, on just energy transition. She is territorial coordinator of the NGO Sustentarse and collaborates with the Chango People’s Council of the Antofagasta Region (Chile).
- Marcelo Silva Miranda, regional leader of pueblo chango, in Antofagasta region, Chile.
- Moderated by Josep Nualart, energy researcher at the Debt Observatory in Globalization
Webinar 3: Is there room for care and feminisms in this transition?
A technological and digital transition that does not reverse social and gender inequalities
Thursday, June 1st, 5.30-7 pm (CEST)
Full video be available here.
- Tuscany Bell, Policy Coordinator for Social Services and Youth of the European Public Service Union (EPSU).
- Flora Partenio, argentinian researcher and activist, member of DAWN, a feminist network in the Global South.
- Blanca Bayas, researcher and project manager at the Observatory on Debt in Globalisation (ODG), specialised in public services, and author of the report “PERTE: How public investments undermines ecofeminsit transition“.
- Lissette Fernández, care worker and member of Sindillar/Sindihogar, independent union of domestic and care workers in Barcelona.
- Moderated by Júlia Martí, public services researcher at Debt Observatory in Globalization.

PLEASE NOTE: This webinar series is part of the project Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing, funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the Debt Observatory in Globalisation only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them