ODG Seminar to organise ourselves to confront a new green-colored austerity wave. It will take place on Saturday June 10 at Nau Bostik, Barcelona
Check out the full program below. Sign up here.
Each moment of exceptionality has had its own recipe. For the pandemic, bailouts and green economic recovery; for the energy crisis and war, restraining policies, investment in weapons and the REPowerEU and, most recently, to reduce skyrocketing public debt, a new austerity cycle 2.0 is getting ready, with adjustments designed to continue promoting the race of green and digital capitalism.
The pandemic and the climate emergency have pushed 3.3 billion people, almost half of the world’s population, into poverty. While governments get indebted to deal with the crisis, another wave of austerity threatens the world.
Luckily, history does not catch us off guard, we know what it means to fight against austerity, bailouts of companies and banks and illegitimate debts. That is why we are organizing this new ODG Seminar in order to get back collective knowledge, get updated in the face of the challenges ahead and look for new action strategies.
We will open the seminar with an overview of the debt situation on a global scale and its consequences, in dialogue with the analysis of post-pandemic recovery policies and the prospects for a new cycle of austerity. What’s new in the current debt crisis? How is it related to other crises? What blind spots do we have and should we continue analysing? What are the consequences of debt for climate policies? Can the ecosocial, anti-security, anti-racist, feminist and anti-austerity struggles go hand in hand?
Once this general overview has been made during the morning, we will move on to the second part of the seminar to focus more specifically, during the afternoon, on the proposals for action and the construction of alternatives. In the evening, to conclude the day, and because celebrating must also be part of the struggles, we invite you to enjoy a concert with Birch and Irene Romo.
We will have baby-sitting service for children from 10am-7pm (with a lunch break). For the ODG Seminar to be a safe space for everyone, we ask you to respect our
9:45 h Registration and welcome (Sala Roman Polankik – Nau Bostik)
10:15 h Austerity 2.0: the green bailout of capitalism
- Shereen Talaat (Arab Watch Coalition): New global debt crisis, consequences and ways forward
- Nicola Scherer (ODG): European Green Deal, economic recovery and ecofeminist transitions
- Moderation: Bruna Cañada (ODG)
11:15 h Links between the climate emergency, debt and the green recovery
- Iolanda Fresnillo (Eurodad): Linking the debt crisis and the climate emergency
- Alfons Pérez (ODG): The consequences of the European green recovery
- Diego Marin (EEB): New extractivism and climate debt
- Moderation: Clàudia Custodio (ODG)
12:45 h Invisible connections, ordinary, gender and colonial debts
- Pastora Filigrana (Lawyer and Human Rights Defender): Taking a feminist and antiracist look at debts
- Irene Sabaté (Tenants Union): Consequences of household indebtedness and collective resistances
- Moderation: Júlia Martí (ODG)
13:30 h Morning closure
14:00 h LUNCH
16:00 h Cooking dignity, connecting struggles. A talk with activists for climate, life, and land.
- Isabelle L’Héritier (Terres de Luttes, France)
- Gil Hortal (End Fossil)
- Florencia Brizuela (Red jurídica antirracista)
- Presenter: Birch
17:00 h Participatory workshop
19:00 h Concert – Birch amd Irene Romo (Visuals de Cat’s Pyjammas) (Sala Basiana, Espai La Sagrerina – Nau Bostik)