Training module | Uncovering the green and just transition

ODG, together with FairFin (Belgium) has designed a training to help understand the European Green Deal and its its financing mechanisms behind.

The objective of the training is to help citizens to better understand the current European transition policies and to give them the tools to actively participate in the public debate, advocating for a more just green transition. The training is directed towards University students and civil society organisations that work or study in the fields of environmental, climate, social, gender and economic issues.

In the training, we critically analyze the European Green Deal strategy and its “green” and digital transition policies and its financing mechanisms behind. We will find out that the European economic recovery and transition policies, financed with billions of public money, are not as fair, green or feminist as it is said. We will see that they continue to promote a growth model based on public-private partnerships, the digitization of life and extractivism, destroying territories in the global south. The participants will be able to debate on alternative approaches for a just transition, that could be based on public-community collaborations, on getting sovereignty back, defending collective rights and respecting the biophysical limits of the planet.


Training module The financing of the green transition

Duration: 2 hours (can be adapted)
BLOC 1 Context and what is the European Green Deal? (25 minutes power point presentation)
Video 1: The financing of the green transition (5 minutes)
Questions from participants on block 1 (10 minutes)

BLOC 2 Financing the European Green Deal (15 minutes power point presentation)
Video 2: Alternatives to finance a real green and just transition (5 minutes)
Questions from participants on block 2 (10 minutes)

BLOC 3 Towards alternatives. Group work (45 minutes)
Participatory dynamic, group work and reporting back

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English (by ODG, Barcelona), Dutch (by FairFin, Brussels)


Variations of the training module

ODG offers three more training modules that focus on different aspects and impacts of the current EU’s “green” and digital transition: extractivism, hydrogen and feminisms. BLOC 2 can be substituted bt the following content of the videos. BLOC 1 and BLOC 3 remain the same.

Training module The impacts of the EU transition and green extractivism | Video
We’ll analyze and discuss the energy transition’s impacts and the intensive use of critical minerals it requires. We’ll see that the current EU transition model exacerbates existing extractivist trends of resource for rich countries. Most of the affected territories and communities are located in the Global South.

Training module Hydrogen, the major player in the energy transition | Video
We’ll analyze and discuss the great protagonist of the transition: green hydrogen. This energy vector is proposed as a solution to decarbonize the economy. But its large-scale production also generates environmental and social impacts on the territories.

Training module Where are care and feminisms in the transition? | Video
We’ll analyze and discuss the importance of care and feminism in the “green” and digital transition proposed by the EU and the implications it will have for women and LGBT peoples.


If you want to contract/organise a training module

The module will be given by one researcher of ODG and has a cost of 250 EUR. If you are a movement or non-governmental organization with economic difficulties, the training model is free.

For questions or contracting the training module, please write to or call 93 301 17 93.


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