Ecosocial transformation, decolonial and ecofeminist pacts #ODGSeminar

Ecosocial transformation. Against false green solutions, decolonial and ecofeminist pacts for global justice | May 10 and 11, Barcelona

The next 10 and 11 of May will be days of pre-electoral silence in Catalonia, a good opportunity to consider the real changes needed if we want to tackle big challenges such as sevre drought, macro-projects, the care crisis… without forgetting its global dimension. We invite you to a new edition of the ODG Seminar, where we will discuss these challenges and collectively build roadmaps to find our way out of them.


Block 4, Can Batlló – Barcelona

In a context of climate emergency, energy crisis, wars and growing inequalities, the institutions of the global North have shifted to the language of securitisation, while promoting the “green” transition based on the push for renewables and digitalisation.
This transition requires an enormous amount of raw materials, and the scarcity of these materials has created a new global race. The context sets a new geopolitics of the green transition, which reinforces colonial logics and seeks to justify the ecosocial impacts of extractivism in the name of the transition and decarbonisation.

In the face of such a scenario, it is urgent to promote a decolonial and ecofeminist eco-social transformation that enables us to progress in the decarbonisation of the economy. At the same time, it must take into account the reparation of colonial, climate and gender debts accumulated over the last decades, as well as the ending extractivist and colonial logics. An economic model based on infinite growth is incompatible with this imperative. It is therefore necessary to consider scenarios of economic degrowth in the global North in order to reach a level of sufficiency that guarantees dignified lives for all and the continuity of life on Earth.

International dialogues and alliances will be key to promote these transformations with global justice. For this reason, the ODG invites the members of the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South, as well as other allies from Europe and North Africa, to denounce together the injustices of the green capitalist transition, as well as to sketch together the alternative futures that we imagine.



Friday, May 10

6pm | Ecosocial pacts against debts and neoextractivism with Alberto Acosta, Maristella Svampa, Paz Aedo. Moderation by Iolanda Fresnillo

Saturday, May 11

10am | Geopolitics of the Green Transition with Hamza Hamouchene, Lucía Barcena and Alfons Pérez. Moderation by ODG

11:30am | Break

12pm | Alliances and ecosocial strategies with Sabrina Fernandes, Breno Bringel, Enrique Viale. Moderation by ODG

13:30 | Snacks



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