Conference about H2Med in Barcelona

  • The Gas Is No Solution Network is organising the “International Conference on H2MED” in Barcelona, in the framework of the campaign “Against the Europe of Capital, Ecosocial Justice”

  • The campaign is supported by a multitude of organisations and collectives throughout Spain, in connection with the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The network wants to open a broad debate on the role of large gas and hydrogen transport infrastructures, in this case focusing on the “H2MED” project, currently a candidate for European funding – PCI List.

Therefore, we invite you to this conference where we intend to transfer updated information, listen to the position of the institutions on this project and on hydrogen, as well as to begin to lay the foundations of a strategy as a social movement in the face of this type of infrastructure.

Date: Tuesday 19/09 – 10h-18h
Location: Lleialtat Santsenca (c/Olzinelles 31 – Barcelona 08014)

Registration here


10h-10:15h Registration
10:15h-10:30h Welcome
10:30h-12h Round table 1: What do the institutions think about H2Med?
12:00-12:30h Break
12:30-14h Round table 2: Impacts of H2Med on the different territories through which it passes
14h-15:30h Lunch
16h-18h Strategic day: what are we doing as a movement in the face of this mega-infrastructure?

*Registration is required to attend the lunch, the rest of the sessions are open, but we appreciate prior registration in order to prepare them properly according to the number of people attending and to facilitate the moderation and the course of the sessions.

We offer a conciliation service if you need it to be able to attend, do not hesitate to ask for it in the form


With the support of:

PLEASE NOTE: This event is part of the project Citizens’ Observatory for Green Deal Financing, funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the Debt Observatory in Globalisation only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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