8M against precariousness, borders and violences

ODG joins the call for strike and mobilization on 8th of March 2022

This March 8th comes in a context of exceptionality, as has been the general trend since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. This time, to the multiple social, gender, economic and environmental crisis and emergencies, are added the consequences of a far-reaching armed conflict, such as the one that Russia has unleashed with the military occupation of Ukraine. Once again it is the civilian population that suffers and will suffer the consequences of the Ukraine-Russia crisis. But also that’s the situation in many other places in the world where Western media is not putting the spotlight, as it’s the case of Palestine, Yemen, Syria or Afghanistan (among many others), where the population is suffering wars and armed conflicts.

As part of the feminists movement we join together to denounce precariousness, borders and violence, and also, how could it be otherwise, against wars. That is why today we also want to make visible the call of Russian feminists against the war.

This March 8th ODG is on strike to join and support on the street the feminist movement. We say no to sexist and patriarchal violence, to the precariousness to which capitalism subjects us, to the racism of European policies that create first and second class citizens. We say no to an unsustainable biocidal economic model that leads us to collapse. A model that we neither want, nor does it work for the majority of lives, especially not for the most precarioused groups: migrant and racialized women, young and older women, diverse people with dissenting identities and genders, women with functional and sensory diversities, or sex workers among others.

We take to the streets to demand other policies and other proposals. We need a real ecofeminist transition, and not the one that is being sold to us with the “recovery plans”, both at the Catalan and state level, as well as with the European funds “Next Generation EU”, done with purple and green washing. We ask for concrete measures of ecofeminist justice, in defence of decent work, common goods and basic public services, with principles of sovereignty and sustainability for our territories and ecosystems.

We demand the (re)distribution of human and material resources to cover our needs and rights – regarding productive and reproductive work, as well as access to water, energy, food, housing, health, education and carework – with the following demands:

  •  Financial justice: stop and prevent austerity measures; stop the prioritisation of public debt repayments above spendings in social sectors (health, education, care etc.); end privatisation processes of public goods and services, e.g. through public-private partnerships; cancellation of all illegitimate debts.
  •  Measures and resources to make community and public management proposals viable alternatives to non-commodified ones: promote (re)located initiatives such as the Energy and Water Communities, community gardens, collaborative housing, learning and care communities, and a reinforced public health system. That means also, to fight against corporate impunity of transnational companies and oligopolies, that are responsible for aggressive extractivism activities, the violation of human rights and even the murder of activists, especially in the Global South and fight the growing inequalities in our territory.
  • Defence of labour rights and work in decent conditions: repeal of regulations that involve institutional violence such as the alienation law and state labour reforms. The integration of domestic and care workers into the General Social Security Scheme so that their rights as workers are recognised.

Have a look at the Manifest of the 8M coordination of the feminist movements, with the motto “Les feministes som aquí contra les precarietats, les fronteres i les violències!”.

#8m2022 #8MAutoorganitzacioFeminista #8MOmplimElsCArrers #8MJuntesiDiverses

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