Collective photo of the participants at the International Conference 2025 Eurodad

Eurodad International Conference 2025

On January 28th and 29th, the Hub Social Barcelona hosted the International Conference 2025 of Eurodad, co-organized by the l’ODG, Oxfam-Intermón and Alianza x la Solidaridad – Actionaid.

For two days, the member organizations and allies of the Eurodad network have met to work together on strategies that promote finance justice. This International Conference arrives a few months before the FfD4, scheduled for next July, in Seville. Around 200 people have been present at the #EurodadIC, and even more have joined us online.


“FfD4 should be a feminist agenda” panel

The Financing for Development agenda, with its focus on domestic resource mobilization, international development cooperation, private finance, sovereign debt and systemic issues, is deeply gendered. The fourth Financing for Development Conference (FfD4) takes place at a time of complex and interconnected crises that have made the feminist agenda for social, economic and climate justice more urgent and challenging. Women are more vulnerable during crises because of gender-based biases and beliefs that prevent them from accessing decision-making spaces and resources, pushing them to become overrepresented in the unprotected, precarious, and often neglected informal sector as well as in the most affected sectors such as healthcare services and the care economy. Another area of significant impact on the feminist agenda is widespread austerity across all countries. Public sector cuts have devastating impacts on women in particular. Climate chaos and environmental degradation has added pressure on resources that women and girls are dependent on for their health, safety and livelihoods.

These problems are compounded by the debt crisis. Emergency interventions like the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI), the creation of a Resilience and Sustainability Trust, the issuance of IMF Special Drawing Rights of the value of US$650 billion, the Common Framework for Debt Treatments and the Debt Round Tables have provided some relief. However, the weakness or insufficiency of these responses are largely driven by structural weaknesses and inequalities in international financial architecture including a failure to address the extractivist nature of the dominant economic model, an important pillar of which is the exploitation of unpaid or highly undervalued work in the care economy in which women are overrepresented.

FfD4 comes at a unique moment of geopolitical challenges and opportunities to address these weaknesses and inequalities and move towards a feminist vision of social, economic and climate justice: a just transition that replaces the global extractive economy, and shifts to a regenerative economy, based on community resilience, social equity and ecological and social care and wellbeing. How can we make the most of this moment to advance the feminist agenda?

This session took place during Eurodad International Conference 2025 in Barcelona. Moderated by Isabel Iparraguirre (Alianza por la Solidaridad-ActionAid Spain). Speakers: Corina Rodríguez Enríquez (economist and executive committee member of DAWN), Shereen Talaat (director and founder of MENA Fem), Lidy Nacpil (Coordinator of Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development – AMPDD), Wangari Kinoti (global lead for women’s rights and feminist alternatives of ActionAid International), Júlia Marti Comas (commons and ecofeminisms researcher, Debt Observatory in Globalization – ODG).

“Financing for Development: how local struggles challenge global agendas” panel

We shared different perspectives on the priorities and needs of civil society and grassroots movements at local level. The aim was to make visible and discuss the importance of the issues of the Financing for Development Conference (FfD4) for their struggles. This session took place at Eurodad Conference 2025 in Barcelona and was co-organised by Debt Observatory in Globalization (ODG), Oxfam Intermón and Alianza por la Solidaridad-ActionAid Spain. Moderated by Sandra Vicente (journalist of El Diario). Speakers: Susana Ruíz (Tax Justice Policy Lead of Oxfam Intermón), Virginia Soler-Birch (activist and co-founder of the Climate Sessions), Montserrat Pineda Lorenzo (Director at Creación Positiva), Beatriz Cantero (Mujeres Pa Lante).




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