justicia financiera

Animated short vídeo “Alice in Moneyland”

Check out our new ANIMATED VIDEO on Financial Justice produced by Citizens for Financial Justice!

“Alice in Moneyland”

Discover how financialisation devastates the planet and harms the most vulnerable, and what are the proposals from Financial Justice 👉 https://odg.cat/en/publication/financial-justice/

Through five thematic chapters – 1) food and land, 2) health, 3) women’s rights, 4) housing and 5) infrastructure, the report shows that rising inequalities, and the over expansion of the finance industry as one of its key contemporary drivers, have been created and reproduced by skewed and unfair rules of the game. There is therefore an urgent need for peoples’ movements to converge around a common agenda for taking back our economies, reclaiming public services, and protecting our common natural resources. Through this report it becomes evident that local level resistance to financial actors’ penetration is extremely important, but that confronting the drivers of inequality which are now global, such as financialisation, requires concerted efforts at higher levels of policy-making as well.


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