TemàticaDebt & financialisation

Inside Job

The award winning documentary ‘Inside Job’ [2011 | US] by the veteran crusader, Charles Ferguson is the most insightful and illuminating amongst a number of

Debt Common Project for Europe

Following the spirit of the Conferences of the Plan B for Europe, the Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (ODG)  and the Plataforma por la Auditoría Ciudadana

Peoples Sovereignty vs. Impunity Inc.

Counterpower and Struggles forJustice Violations of human rights and the rights of peoples and nature have become inherent to transnational corporations’ operations and can only

Financialisation of infrastructure

Increasingly many aspects of our lives are becoming financialised. The development of markets around essential services and natural commodities has reshaped the world economy and is putting finance firmly

Sign against TTIP & CETA: Now!

We call on the institutions of the European Union and its member states to stop the negotiations with the USA on the Transatlantic Trade and