What comes to your mind when you think about Natural Gas?

Natural Gas is being promoted as the ‘transition’ fuel to renewables.
When it burns, it has fewer emissions than oil or coal, but there are other hidden impacts…

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Can Natural Gas be the energy transition fuel?
This is what lobbies and economic-political interests are selling us, but when leaks spill over 3% in the supply chain, gas has no longer a climate benefit over to coal, and it is nevertheless a finite fossil fuel. The name “natural gas” can lead to misunderstanding, since it masks the fact that this fossil fuel is made up of methane by approximately 90%. Methane is a greenhouse gas with a climate change potential equal to 86. This means that a kilogram of methane emitted into the atmosphere is equivalent to emitting 86 of CO2. It is, in fact, the second greenhouse gas that has contributed the most to global warming historically.

There are other solutions for a real energy transition, find out about it… in the video!


This video, together with the policy briefing “Els impactes del gas i les seves infraestructures: construint lligams entre entitats barcelonines i territoris afectats“, are the result of the refelction process that has been carried out with the students of the Master in Science and Technology of Sustainability organised by the UPC’s Institut de Sostenibilitat, within the the Ajuntament de Barcelona’s Aprenentatge-Servei program.

Also related, several studies carried out by the ODG in relation to Gas:

Is natural gas a climatic friend? + Infographic
An analysis of the emissions associated with the gas supply chain to the European Union and Barcelona.
Infographic on natural gas’ route to our homes and its climatic impact.

Smoke mirrors
A study shutters EU claims on climate benefits from flagship energy project; the Southern Gas Corridor.



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