Documentary | ‘Can Degrowth Save The World?’ – BBC

Bloc 4 Can Batlló, Barcelona, Espanya

Screening of the BBC produced documentary 'Can Degrowth Save The World?', in which our colleague Clàudia Custodio, researcher in Climate Justice, has participated. Prior registration

Critical Minerals Observatory Launch

Hotel de Colonies Rue des Croisades 6-10, Brussels, Belgium

The Critical Minerals Observatory is a new initiative from the European Network of Corporate Observatory (ENCO); a knowledge hub (critical space) to exchange ideas, resources and develop collaborative research. This Observatory looks at the strategies of transnational corporations and governments (in the Global North) to secure supplies of critical minerals in the name of the energy transition. The launch of the Observatory will take place during the Raw Materials Week, to expose the necessity to monitor the implementation of the CRMA and its negative impacts on communities and the environment. During the presentation, we will discuss  the corporate impunity of one of the largest mining companies worldwide: Rio Tinto. We will hear the voices of affected communities in Madagascar and Serbia. The invited speakers are: Zo Randriamaro, the founder and Coordinator of the Research and Support Center for Development Alternatives – Indian Ocean (CRAAD-OI),  based in Madagascar. Jovan Rajik (Renewables and Environmental Regulatory Institute, Serbia) Steven Rolf, researcher at the (De)Globalization (MDG) research team at the University of Sussex and King’s College London Moderation by Olivier Petitjean (Observatoire des Multinationales, ENCO)   Previous registration required at the following link.

Xerrada | Ni set a casa, ni sang a Gaza

Ateneu Popular la Sequia Carrer d'Amigant 10, Manresa, Espanya

Cicle de xerrades, "Ni set a casa, ni sang a Gaza", organitzades a l'Ateneu Popular La Sèquia (Manresa). Des de l'ODG, la nostra companya Júlia Martí participarà en la taula rodona "La classe treballadora contra les multinacionals". ICL és una minera de potassa a Súria que col·labora obertament amb el genocidi i contamina el nostre territori. Nosaltres ho tenim clar, per la llibertat del Poble Palestí, per l’autonomia ecològica del Bages i pel poder popular de la classe treballadora: BOICOT ICL