Latin America-Europe Dialogues | Ecosocial transitions and global justice

Universidad Complutense de Madrid Campus Somosaguas, Madrid, Espanya

Our colleague Alfons Pérez will participate in the round table ‘Geopolitics of eco-social transitions: decarbonisation consensus, green deals and eco-fascist drifts’, together with Maristella Svampa, Sabrina Fernandes and Alberto Coronel. The round table will be moderated by Tom Kucharz and is part of the Latin America-Europe Dialogues conference to be held on 8 and 9 May in Madrid. See full program here.

Webinar | Enagas, Snam and Fluxys: smuggling the problems of the past into our future


"Shaping together a bright energy future ", this is the promise of the gas network operators. Join us in this webinar to explore what is the reality behind the green energy that Fluxys, Enagas and Snam promote, as they plan a neo-colonial energy future centred on hydrogen. Recommon, Ecologistas en Accion, ODG and Vredesactie will discuss how we can put pressure on these companies to respect both climate needs and human rights. simultaneous interpretation available in English, Spanish and Italian. Sign up

Conference | Ecosocial transformation, decolonial and ecofeminist pacts

Bloc 4 Can Batlló, Barcelona, Espanya

Against false green solutions, decolonial and ecofeminist pacts for global justice. We invite you to consider the real changes needed if we want to tackle big challenges such as severe drought, macro-projects, the care crisis... without forgetting its global dimension. We will listen to the members of the Ecosocial and Intercultural Pact of the South, as well as other allies from Europe and North Africa, to denounce together the injustices of the green capitalist transition, and to sketch together the alternative futures that we imagine. See full program here. sIGN UP  

Diálogos de saberes “Territorios y Energías”

La energía pasa de ser esa forma de sustento vital que permite mantener y sostener las vidas, a ser un vector que permite el control, la profundización del dominio y el extractivismo. Es la fórmula que viene a permitir que todo lo vivo se convierta en mercancía: desde el territorio hasta la vida de las personas. En este segundo encuentro dialogaremos con Esperanza Martínez, Fray Rodrigo Péret y Alfons Pérez, sobre la arquitectura demencial – criminal de esta fórmula. Abordaremos la cuestión de la Geopolítica de la transición hegemónica: socios y minerales necesarios en el plan global de apropiación de bienes comunes para garantizar la ‘seguridad energética’ y los modos de vida imperiales. Organizado por Asociación Bienaventurados los pobres y CCFD Terre Solidaire. Sesión online, requiere inscripción previa.

WEBINAR | Urban mining, an alternative to extractivism?

The rise of demand for critical minerals and, specifically, rare earths has accelerated the race for raw materials, and it reproduces the colonial patterns of land grabbing. Is urban mining an alternative to extractivism? We discuss these issues with Martín Lallana, researcher on Ecosocial Transition, Felix Best Agorvor, from recycling start-up 5 Seconds Connect Ghana, and Clàudia Bosch, from SETEM. Moderated by ODG's researcher, Júlia Martí. Organized with the Institute for Policy Studies. If you could not join the session, you can watch it here: