Become a member in three steps

Thank you very much for taking this step!

Becoming part of the ODG community means supporting a network struggle project that, through critical analysis, communication and advocacy, works for social transformation towards a more just, eco-feminist society that respects the biophysical limits of the planet. In addition, if you wish, you can participate fully in the associative and political life of the entity, being part of working groups, the assembly and being informed of the activity of the ODG. Welcome to the ODG community!

Please fill in the fields below, necessary to be able to maintain the relationship of person associated with the entity.

What contribution do you want to make?

Who is making the donation?
Personal Info

Contact and personal information
Would you like to receive the monthly ODG newsletter?
Current residential address
Bank information required
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Informació sobre la domiciliació

En els primers dies de cada mes (entre l'1 i el 5)  girem el rebut domiciliat, en funció de la periodicitat que ens has indicat al formulari. Et volem informar que en qualsevol moment pots modificar l'import de la quota i la seva periodicitat, per poder ajustar-te a les teves possibilitats econòmiques, des d'una quota mínima anual de 5 Euros. Per fer-ho pots comunicar-te amb l'Eduard Vàzquez al correu electrònic


Donation Total: €10 Monthly